The IMPACT program is an initiative of BLIS Technology Department to support students' and teachers' learning by providing an environment for a more advanced use and development of know-how and skills in technology.
Here is our call for inventors, designers and makers of BLIS to be a part of our IMPACT program.
Elementary School students experienced coding during the week in their ICT courses.
Middle School hour of code activities: December 13, 2019
High school students participated to HoC on voluntary basis on December 11, 2019
Hands in hand with the "BLIS Parent Teacher Association", we started a project to have an innovation focused technology laboratory as a learning environment for BLIS community.

Click here if the video does not start
About the details of the IMPACT program please contact to Can Kültür.
Office: BLIS High School Building, Room 221
Innovation, creativity, STEM / STEAM (or STEM+A) approaches, maker movement, coding, design, virtual worlds, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robotics, drones and many others that we even did not hear their names yet will become part of our daily lives soon. Mostly these seem interesting and sometimes they are challenging. However, focusing on fundamentals, they are all about problem solving and productivity which requires a good understanding of structure (function), aesthetics (form) and use (user experience).
Through the projects and activities focusing on real world problems and needs from our environment, we get a chance to experience and develop our skills in problem solving in a productive and collaborative way.
Innovation and creativity are becoming more important each day and most of the time computational thinking and use of new technologies empower the innovations.
Multidisciplinary approaches, such as we see in STEM+A approach, feed and enable innovation through the interaction of various subject areas.
They also support development of communication and collaboration skills through team work where people with different perspectives are involved.
Project management skills and know-how brings them all together and focuses on productivity and efficiency.
Activities refer to the learning activities like workshops, challenges, meet-ups, which may support our learning goals.
These can be a 10 minute activity or a year long project which can be run by a student or a teacher.