STEM+A for Teachers

Professional Development for BLIS Teachers

This pilot program aims to create a sustainable and research-based PD for BLIS teachers focusing on innovative and multidisciplinary teaching and learning activities among STEM+A subjects. Throughout this pilot program, interested teachers will come together under the Technology Department’s IMPACT program in order to form a learning community and share their experience and cognitive processes once a week.

Based on the moderators’ plan of the week, the sessions will include theory-based discussions, presentations or hands-on workshops. Later on, there may be some participant-led workshops as well. The themes of the workshops may include computational thinking, scientific inquiry, project-based learning or mathematical modelling. There will be an emphasis on complicated 21st-century real-life problems or needs and collaboration with universities or other professionals from the industry throughout the solution process of such problems.

Expectations from the participants;

  • create ideas on how to integrate those activities with their existing curricula; projects, activities or lesson plans.
  • share and collect resources on a digital platform.
  • meet for 12-16 weeks (tentatively), 1 hour/week throughout the year.
  • write a reflection at the end of the program in order to analyse the effect of the program (including the mentors).

Minimum 80% attendance and completion of specific activities/tasks will be proposed in order for the participants to successfully complete the program and get the certification.

Contact: Can Kültür and Ezgi Çallı for the details.